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Fun. It would be nice to zoom out and see more of the map, maybe some smol meta progression to upgrade mobs outside of battle then chest rewards can be focused onto the mobs you already have.


Adorei a ideia do game de inverter o conceito de vampiro survivor, tem muito potencial so tem que equilibrar um pouco a dificuldade e navegaçao do jogador pela tela


it's a great idea, but only thing that disappoints -  is the lack of scenes or art gallery with  vampire


Nice Idea, but can you make it better for Mobile Browser? I have no PC only a Tablet 


Slimes shouldn't be 0 cost, make them 1 cost and add 100 summon stones at the beginning of the game. Then it's actually a manage resource game and not just press right and hold left click to spawn infinite Slimes until 1fps.


Realy laggy kind of pushed the survivors off the screen and just have like a billion slimes >.<


pretty fun.


I loved the game idea! I just didn't like it's just a survival (still it deserves 5 stars), I hope you continue it. This could be a master piece if you make multiple levels? or maybe waves and achievements before it gets to "infinite survival mode".


Really like the idea, its a fun game to play over and over trying to beat your high score. I hope you keep working on it and add more creatures and variation to the game. Its incredibly impressive for a 48 hour game is filled with potential


really fun! Impressive for a 48 hour jam. I really love the sound effects, I've been playing without music and I'm glad the mute still lets the sounds play

Thanks! I'm really into sound design, so it's awesome to hear you liked the sounds! I feel like it's a department that's often lacking in many otherwise good indie games, so I'm trying to pay extra attention to it.


Hi, any plans for Linux support with this?

Yes, that is definitely something we'll try to do for the upcoming Steam release!

Is there any way to get this game in android

Hi, we are prioritizing the upcoming Steam release, but after that we'll look into possible mobile ports.


I love this game¡¡

The game is very good and the mechanics are very interesting, it's fun to play, but I see that the game is practically impossible to win and I also don't see the objective, it seems a little repetitive, the humans get stronger but there comes a time when it's impossible to fight them the area damage they have kills everything and you can't defend the game needs to be better balanced

here a idea turn the survivors into vampires as power up


shes making me act up

nahh you right

this game should have a warning sign for pretty women 

ONE MILL SCOOOORE, and yes; crashed again.  A full screen mode would be nice so clicking out didn't keep bugging out

Oh no, did it give you an error message?

Oh and alt+enter toggles full screen!


I got the error message, although the full screen is nice!  Let's see if I can beat one mill


I find kinda lulz that Vampire girl on death screen is just Yamcha death pose meme. Made me laugh xd


Got this nice score before the game crashed, a shame but inevitable with how early the game is.   I'm sure any suggestion I have will be added later; boss enemies, more units, unit spawners, friendly vampire sexy heroes etc.   I wonder if this game will lean towards base building or be more focused on the hoard army.  I def prefer the hoard army style of it.

Best of luck, I can see this game taking off real quick; so just gunna say that I was here for it!

Hey, thanks!

We are definitely going to have more friendly and hostile units, and spawning hordes of minions is indeed the way we are going. Bosses would be epic, and more playable vampires too, though that might be something we'll save for post-launch content.

now 151940 pog

top score so far 142300 pog

(1 edit) (+1)

Can we have a mobile version ? i run the game on the browser and play very well I  can spawn collect gems and open chests but I was not able to switch monsters


Am I wrong or are the slimes the only unit that drops crystals to spawn more monsters? It seems there's no way to get a return of investment in spawning monsters and eventually you just can't spawn enough slimes to pay for enough other monsters to keep the heroes at bay.

It also feels like the explosive chests are almost a trap for the player not the heroes at this point. Some heroes avoid them, some of those that don't unlock them and actually get upgrades from them, when they explode they kill your own units nearby, and worse they have a timer on them and they'll explode on their own after awhile. They may deal a great amount of damage, but the cons heavily outway the pros from what i can see.

The exploding zombies doing damage to your own units instead of just knocking them back is a major problem too.


Hey, thanks for the feedback! 

I'm definitely looking for ways to improve the balance for the upcoming Steam release, so feedback like this is really valuable!

Right now every unit drops the same number of gems (2-3), so it's easier to maintain them if you summon mostly inexpensive units. In the full release there will be some units spawning automatically, plus also upgrades that generate more gems. I might also consider making units drop some % of their cost.

The chest traps used to be extremely overpowered compared to anything else, so I quickly nerfed them post-jam. Seems like it was too much, but I'll try to make them more useful in the full release.

The exploding zombies do some damage to your own units, but this damage is not scaled by their damage upgrades. I might make them do even less damage to allies, though I like the idea that they can chain-explode.

(1 edit)

is there a way to make the boomers trigger each other, or even nearby trap chests, without making them do full damage to everything else? Like giving them a bonus to damage against boomers/chests or making boomers/chests more vulnerable to the damage? Maybe give them a 2nd damage type that only affects boomers/chests?

I don't know if there are multiple damage types in the game already or not, but it seems like it'd be a good thing to incorporate. Physical, Fire, Explosive, Holy, Unholy, etc... and then you could make each unit more or less vulnerable to the different types to really differentiate the units in what they're strong or weak against.


Vampire No Survivors is a great twist on the genre, but it has no win condition. I decided to spice it up by throwing in a challenge.

Every time I pass 200,000 score I reset without my best monster. Let me know what you think! 


Hey, that's a great idea! The game definitely needs some fun and interesting challenges, and I wonder if we could implement this kind of gamemode somehow.


Wouaw ! it's very cool ! GG 
Feedback is cool! good work ! 

(1 edit) (+1)

hi, just wanted to let you know about a glitch that I found. when you get a chest that allows you to pick multiple upgrades, you are able to select an upgrade multiple times for no additional benefit, but otherwise a very fun game.

Thanks! That's definitely not intended, I'll fix it at some point!

keep it I didn't even know it existed till now pls it's funny

also it's really easy to just spam slimes in the early round and do basically nothing but as soon as it goes down it's hard to get back at them and build any real defense against them and just becomes a slippery slope.

top score so far 142300 pog

My score of around 221000, I could've kept going but I don't have a mouse so it's a pain to keep spawning units. I mainly upgraded blob and wisp, with a 24 hp blob, and a 17 damage wisp. by that point, I had one coffin destroyed, and the other two untouched. Pretty fun game.



Sounds like you're already planning some cool improvements, and I'm looking forward to seeing them!

I don't want to change the tone of the game to be a tower defense, but I really wanted to be able to buy a unit spawner like in gauntlet. Or if not that; I got pretty tired of clicking after a half hour, so I just kinda wanted my coffin to spawn my cannon fodder units, while I clicked to place occasional "boss units".

Also, I think it would be fun if you got an upgrade (or something) when a coffin explodes as a mild comeback mechanic. 

I trust you'll keep a sleek design and add some fun stuff!


 great idea, it made me nostalgic for the beginning of 2000s TwT, but it's worth adding some r34 moments with this beautiful vampire💗

(1 edit) (+2)

Hmm... my best score so far was 258,110

Just upgrading slime and wisp gave me a pretty good result. 

Now, if we are to have a healing/buffing unit, that'd be hilariously balance team comp.


I got a high score of 478, 550 pts with the same build of focusing blob (lv 20+ on health and lv 30+ speed upgrade, lv. 15~ on damage), trap chest (lv. 20+ could practically 1-shot a survivor) and wisp combo (wisp was the most heavily upgraded unit to the point that only having 5 units can delete survivors and stall a horde of survivors by themselves, had lv 43 on damage, lv 38 on health and a measly lv 20 on speed).

Since I was playing with the browser version, my reason of quitting  ahead of time (played around 30 mins) before actually losing was I wasn't playing even a game at that point since with my mid-range gaming laptop turned the game into a slideshow presentation with glorious 5 fps gameplay.

Note for myself and others on future runs, do not go over 3~ish units with maximum upgraded wisps attacking a single unit on browser as it will literally overkill that survivor with it's red health bar now going increasing infinitely backwards making it immortal until it killed most of its attackers then just randomly die 10 seconds later.

Another note would be, do not put trap chests in close proximity of each other otherwise when one blows up (either with it igniting or explodes as it gets hit with a random projectile) the other trap chests in range will also explode in a chain reaction.

Wow, I had so much fun playing this game! The spawning of units it's so engaging and my focus was from the first moments to spawn as much slimes as I could! The shards collection was really rewarding, but I didn't like the fact that I needed to drop everything I was spawning to collect them. The chest collection was also good, but I would have preferred that I could move while the chest was opening, instead of staying frozen in place.

Overall it was a really fun experience, I see myself and other players enjoying this game in the future, and for a 48h game jam the result you pushed out was amazing! Congrats!


187420 score.


I could imagine some unique starters with some extra perks... Or monster poll.

While game lack's a bit in terms of replayability at the moment, it's still plenty of fun.

So ive been playing for a while, the current run is an hour long and at some point a rogue with a health bar of half the whole run way appeared, after defeating it using my chad strategy rogues stopped spawning (rogue is the dude who can open my explosive chests) so im wondering if the game can actually end or its just a bug

Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like a bug indeed.


89K Score. very nice game.


What they need is maybe permanent upgrades for the troops from the menu, yes or yes an "options" menu where to put the full screen, maybe you can also have unique powers when you reach a certain level of a troop (example: if the golem reaches attack level 10, the golem will start shooting a long distance destructive beam every 3-5 seconds, take this example from "Risk Of Rain 2" golem for inspiration), I hope you take the suggestions into account!, I know you don't even it's the complete game but from the bottom of my heart i want this gem of a game to go ahead as i can't donate at least i want to leave you a suggestion

Thank you for feedback! Permanent upgrades, unlockable minions and settings menu are coming for sure, but unique powers is also a cool idea which we could consider!


Can not wait to see the full release, it absolutely needs an easy mode, or perma-stats, for the reflex impaired, but it blows my mind that this is 48 hours ... how?  5/5 Epic Win 


No hate or anything, just curious. Who is the vampire in the cover art, and why is she so sexy? lol She's not even wearing any pants. It just sticks out in contrast to the survivors on the cover art. Is she even in the game?


She's the Vampire you play as in the game! The cursor is her hand so technically she is the game, but mostly she's there because I wanted to draw a hot vampire lady lol. But for consistency I also made the Thieves pants-less. Ban pants!


I wouldn't mind seeing more of this vampire lady.


You will definitely be seeing more of her in the full release!

full release?! I wasn't sure you were going to put more into the game. I'm glad to hear you are :D


As Man of Culture, I'm grateful for that!


>I wanted to draw a hot vampire lady

And I played the game for the hot vampire lady. Based.


Amazing work for this amount of time, congrats !


got to 500k and got bored, maybe if i downloaded the desktop version which isnt nearly as laggy i would have played longer but theres no point as this is one of those "solved" roguelikes where due to being guaranteed certian possibilities (like always being able to go to the same build) an infinite cycle of winning is easy, just pick a unit (ghouls, bats or ghost) and upgrade them (prioritize health>speed>dmg) and keep the unit pool as small as possible so you can upgrade them as much as possible and there youre done, just spam them and when you run out of crystals just send a big horde of slimes and continue

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