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I could imagine some unique starters with some extra perks... Or monster poll.

While game lack's a bit in terms of replayability at the moment, it's still plenty of fun.

So ive been playing for a while, the current run is an hour long and at some point a rogue with a health bar of half the whole run way appeared, after defeating it using my chad strategy rogues stopped spawning (rogue is the dude who can open my explosive chests) so im wondering if the game can actually end or its just a bug

Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like a bug indeed.


89K Score. very nice game.


What they need is maybe permanent upgrades for the troops from the menu, yes or yes an "options" menu where to put the full screen, maybe you can also have unique powers when you reach a certain level of a troop (example: if the golem reaches attack level 10, the golem will start shooting a long distance destructive beam every 3-5 seconds, take this example from "Risk Of Rain 2" golem for inspiration), I hope you take the suggestions into account!, I know you don't even it's the complete game but from the bottom of my heart i want this gem of a game to go ahead as i can't donate at least i want to leave you a suggestion

Thank you for feedback! Permanent upgrades, unlockable minions and settings menu are coming for sure, but unique powers is also a cool idea which we could consider!


Can not wait to see the full release, it absolutely needs an easy mode, or perma-stats, for the reflex impaired, but it blows my mind that this is 48 hours ... how?  5/5 Epic Win 


No hate or anything, just curious. Who is the vampire in the cover art, and why is she so sexy? lol She's not even wearing any pants. It just sticks out in contrast to the survivors on the cover art. Is she even in the game?


She's the Vampire you play as in the game! The cursor is her hand so technically she is the game, but mostly she's there because I wanted to draw a hot vampire lady lol. But for consistency I also made the Thieves pants-less. Ban pants!


I wouldn't mind seeing more of this vampire lady.


You will definitely be seeing more of her in the full release!

full release?! I wasn't sure you were going to put more into the game. I'm glad to hear you are :D


As Man of Culture, I'm grateful for that!


>I wanted to draw a hot vampire lady

And I played the game for the hot vampire lady. Based.


Amazing work for this amount of time, congrats !


got to 500k and got bored, maybe if i downloaded the desktop version which isnt nearly as laggy i would have played longer but theres no point as this is one of those "solved" roguelikes where due to being guaranteed certian possibilities (like always being able to go to the same build) an infinite cycle of winning is easy, just pick a unit (ghouls, bats or ghost) and upgrade them (prioritize health>speed>dmg) and keep the unit pool as small as possible so you can upgrade them as much as possible and there youre done, just spam them and when you run out of crystals just send a big horde of slimes and continue


This has the potential to become more fleshed out if you want it to, but it's already fairly good, very nice work!


my score was 69240

I am not joking it was almost 69420 SO nic

but will you consider updating this

ooooooooh love this, super fun and a lot harder than i thought at first


omg this is so much funnnnnn whaaaa


Great game, even when it eventually started to run in "seconds per frame" during some pushbacks against the relentless human hordes.

The lag slowly started appearing rather than at once. CPU usage is not high, same with memory, other tabs work fine too. The fps drop at first didnt appear at all on the Chest screen.

I did not leave many gems lying around, maybe 50-60 total. If it helps, I mostly spammed Slimes and spawned small waves of Boomers, Minotaurs and used less than a dozen Golems by this point, did not place a single Zombie or Mimic Chest. Slimes and Minotaurs both had ~~50 upgrades, boomers maybe 60, golems ~~10, Ghouls/Zombies ~~20.

Thank you for making such a neat game, brought me back a bit to the days of Armor Games


Hey, thank you for your detailed feedback! I'm currently trying to fix the framerate issues. Did you play the browser version or the desktop version?

Browser version, I've yet to test it out on the desktop, planning to do it tmrw morning


From my best guess, it might be that the browser version isn't properly clearing destroyed objects from memory.


Update from desktop version : By the time I reached 400k score there was no lag whatsoever

It's isolated to the browser version, I will playtest it in Chrome instead of Opera to see if it's just opera


Thank you for testing!


Chrome : By 450k score there is noticeable lag even without slimes or any monsters on the ground.

With a dozen of any mob the fps drops as well.

Spawning slimes from one end of the map to the other also makes it way way worse.

Chest/Upgrade selection screen lags a bit, but not much. Even with a map full of slimes


This is so cute and fun!

I will say I wish we could turn down the sound effects too

That will definitely be possible in the final release!

great! I look forward to it :)


Doesn't launch, just opens the folder.


Hey, does the problem persist now that I updated the desktop version?


Works fine now! And thanks for allowing for arrow keys in adition to wasd for non wasd keyboards!


Hey, this game is really fun, congrats! I have a PVP mode in my game that looks a lot like this :P 

Are you still developing it? 


i cant even open the unit menu like 99% of the time >:(

Hmm okay that's pretty weird 🤔. Does anything happen when you press the right mouse button?


Extremely gun game, definitely gonna try to spend more time on it 


Super juicy, love it


First time trying the game and it's a lot of fun, though I think my army of slimes and boomers scared away most of the hunters lol. Also it got super laggy having all these minions at once.


(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I spent about 3 hours getting to this critical mass of trapped chests and the game crashed, so sad =_(    
(But for real, pretty fun game, wisps and chests are real BUS-TED)

yep i also get it crashed by spamming minotaur, the minotaur got out of map and it crashed after 2 hour 

Oh no! Did by any chance exit/enter fullscreen when that happened?


Very frantic but quite fun! You got a ton of upgrades in which makes it really fun to slowly tweak your horde over time.


So addictive! Hope you make a full game out of this.

Pretty fun! But you gotta be fast.


Have it so not only slimes spawn gems but mid tier enemies spawn higher ranking gems to spawn high tier enemies. Makes it feel like less of a waste when a unit dies, and encourges you to use more units.

Once you add more the the game you can have vampires increase power from killing mobs, so you will have to think about what your spawning. However make it so each vampire has a enemy they are weak/strong against. So mass spaming units does not become the best option. As if you mass spawn the units and they die they might level up a vampire. However make sure to not overtune it and turn the game into a puzzle game. Maybe even have a  "level" cap that increases as game time does. So early on even if your units spam die to a vampire it won't make the vampire unreasonably powerful. 


I would have hope to be able to make it. So good!


holy shit

this plays so differently than vampire survivors


I had a blast playing this game.

(1 edit) (+4)

Chests are OP. You can play indifinetely, making only chests and blobs (as "fuel) for chests). Maybe add some "rogue" enemy, who can disarm them?

Oh, that's a cool idea!


 Minotaurs needs some balance I have like a 100 of them outside the screen, they basically spawn kill the enemies, I can't even get the chest because they die outside of the screen xD

fun fact, you can get those chests, you just have to click it just right

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

This game is addicting! I haven't played the original Vampire survivors, but this game is a blast! I love the art style, appreciate all the homages to hunters (I was too mad trying to save my poor coffins while my follower told me who I'm trying to kill)
Could spend unironically hours in this game, the gameplay is simple but makes me engaged pretty quickly  

I streamed it and you can check my gameplay at ~11:01


ok so Im currently playing this while typing and just want to say great game however I'm currently at around 500,000 and its really slow getting any further. I'm using the chest strat which is op since one chest can one shot any vampire hunter. BUt It would be very nice if there was some sort of a fast forward button. Something that will speed up the game and stuff. Also you might want to nerf the chest ngl because it is WAY to overpowered. Like I put a bunch down and I've been sitting here for 20 minutes and they haven't gotten through them yet so yeah very op.


Hey, thanks for the feedback, it's very useful! For the full release we need to do a lot of balancing, and we are definitely nerfing the chests in some way.


Nice game!


This game is amazing. Do you have plans on making it a full release? This game with a progression system and maybe cosmetics would be awesome.


Thank you! We are currently thinking of making a full release with permanent progression!


Can't wait!


Yesssss its so good fully approve



This game is pretty fun! 

I got to a million and it was pretty laggy by then and I was pretty bored so going to call it lol  My strategy was just to litter chests everywhere and constantly spawn as many  slimes as I could to generate more gems when they die. 

I feel like I could hold out perpetually from here. I have chest littered all the way to the left side and even the biggest waves barely push into them.

Great work and thanks for the fun!! 


This is super cool! I’ve had this idea for a long time so it’s very cool to see someone make it! Really hoping you expand it into a full standalone game!


This is a fun game to play, I had a great time exterminating heroes as the villain (or would it be villainess?). Though maybe I was a bit TOO good in that capacity.... As I said before this is a wonderful game, my only complaint is that my wrist was numb for a few minutes after I finished.


great stuff!

Would you be down to work on a Vehicle Based Roguelite?

Looking to reinvent this: (256) I Tried 'Mad Max' Again After 8 Years... - YouTube

lmk on discord #tinbuz :)


Nice one :)!

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